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IN PHOTOS: In response to Department of Agriculture (DA) CALABARZON Regional Director Arnel V. de Mesa’s recommendation to local government units in the region to issue localized versions of food passes and food lane vehicle passcards, provincial, city, and municipal agriculture offices in Rizal province are now implementing the same. This was confirmed by Ms. Mary Ann Gajardo, Agricultural Program Coordinating Officer (APCO) in Rizal.

“The local government units in Rizal already extended their assistance in the processing of documents for the issuance of food lane passes to suppliers and farm producers in their respective areas, through the provincial, city, and municipal agriculture offices,” APCO said.

This is to ensure the unhampered passage of food and agricultural commodities and personnel to, from, and through their localities.

“The provincial agriculture office is mostly accepting online applications while city and municipal agriculture offices cater to walk-in clients,” APCO Gajardo explained.

As of today, some 118 (102 – online and 16 – walk-in applicants) food lane passes have already been issued by the provincial agriculture office to transporters of essential and perishable goods whose route is from one city/municipality to another. This was informed by the Office of the Provincial Agriculturist in Rizal.

Data on the number of food lane passes issued so far by the city and municipal agriculture offices for those cargoes whose movement is within their respective cities/municipalities were not posted.

Meanwhile, Ms. Gajardo added that APCO-Rizal continues to assist in managing the accreditation process to ensure the regular transport of essential goods across the region; and from, to, and passing thru Metro Manila.

The issuance of localized types of food lane vehicle passcards also complies with Secretary William D. Dar’s directive in stabilizing the prices of agri-fishery and products while providing access to affordable, safe, and nutritious food. ● (ARC, DA-RAFIS)

[Photos Courtesy of APCO-Rizal and OPA-Rizal]