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The Department of Agriculture IV-CALABARZON (DA-4A) with the DA-Bureau of Animal Industry (DA-BAI), Regional Agricultural and Fisheries Council (RAFC), and Provincial Veterinary Offices in the region, discussed the implementation of the Repopulation and Sentinel Program during the sectoral committee meeting on livestock on May 27.

Sentinel pigs and other interventions, through DA-4A Livestock Banner Program, will be distributed to the hog raisers to test if African Swine Fever (ASF) virus is no longer present in the area. Hog raisers can proceed to repopulation process after being declared by the BAI that the area is ASF-free.

To be eligible to the program, hog raisers must be at least biosecurity level one or being able to pass the following required biosecurity measures: farm must have fence; there should be a “Takdang Hakbang ng Biosecurity” that is posted in the farm; the farm must be restricted from other animals, vehicles, and outsiders; pigs shall only eat feeds and not leftovers or scraps (kaning-baboy); feeds should have proper and sanitized container; and waste materials should be disposed properly.

Also, hog raisers with biosecurity level one are also eligible to DA-4A’s loan facilities through Landbank and Agricultural Credit Policy Council (ACPC).

According to Dr. Jerome Cuasay, DA-4A Livestock Banner Program Coordinator, the Department will procure mobile vehicle disinfectant system, PCR testing kits, disinfectants, vitamins, and veterinary drugs to help the hog raisers within the pink zone (areas free from ASF) to prevent the reentering of the virus and those in the red zone (areas still with ASF cases) to control and eliminate the virus.

ProVets will monitor the progress of the program, from sentinelling and compliance to biosecurity measures to repopulation. Regional and local Agricultural and Fisheries Council (AFC) will assist ProVets in monitoring.

“Makaasa po kayo na palaging nandito ang ating AFC para gampanan ang tungkulin sa monitoring, lalo na kapag na-sign na ng DA at DILG ang Joint Administrative Ordinance on the Institutionalization of BABay ASF to Adapt Locally,” Pedrito R. Kalaw, RAFC Chairman, said. #### (Reina Beatriz P. Peralta, DA-4A RAFIS)