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(Written and photos taken by Radel Llagas)

Some fifty corn growers and agricultural extension workers from the first cluster in the region attended the technical briefing on production and marketing of yellow corn on May 23, 2018 at the Southern Tagalog Integrated Agricultural Research Center Training Hall in Lipa City, Batangas.

The primary aim of the briefing is to update the attendees to various programs available to assist the farmers in their production and marketing of yellow corn.

“Yellow corn is a very important commodity in the region since we are a livestock region and the yellow corn industry greatly supplements our livestock so it’s only basic that we continue to support our yellow corn players especially our farmers” Regional Technical Director for Operations Milo D. Delos Reyes said during the opening program.

Regional Corn Coordinator Avelita M. Rosales presented the corn road map; Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Division Chief Editha Salvosa explained the marketing support that can be provided under her division; Agricultural Technician Arlene V. Natanauan and Science Research Assistant Angelica A. Dimaculangan discussed the guidelines of corn model farm and the guidelines and protocol of site-specific nutrient management (SSNM), respectively.

Bonna Jaurigue, a representative from Soro-Soro Ibaba Development Cooperative (SIDC) said that they are open to buy the harvest of corn farmers in the region provided they meet their yellow corn requirements, particularly their required moisture content.

During the briefing, Sancho Buncha was introduced as Corn Sectoral Committee Chair, whose job is to unite corn growers in the region and made necessary measures to protect the interests of corn growers.

According to Regional Corn Coordinator Rosales, there will be another technical briefing to cover the second cluster of corn growers in the region. She said “The Department (of Agriculture) continuously find ways to develop and help uplift the lives of our farmers, one of which is we need to communicate regularly with them so we would know their concerns and how we can help more effectively”.