Department of Agriculture (DA) Region IV-CALABARZON, through its Recovery and Rehabilitation Program for ASF-Affected Farmers, distributed much-needed livelihood intervention to ASF-affected farmers in Quezon on September 29 and 30, 2020. The goal of this program is to provide an alternative source of livelihood for ASF-affected pig growers as they recover from severe damage and losses caused by ASF.
A total of 94 farmers from Catanauan, Candelaria, and Sariaya received mushroom production packages and broiler chickens through the Regional Livestock Program.
In Catanauan, each of the 32 farmer-recipients were given one unit of mushroom production package; in Candelaria, two fortunate farmers each received a module of mushroom production package. On the other hand, each of the 60 hog raisers from Sariaya received one module of broiler chickens from the regional office.
In addition to these interventions, which are continually distributed by DA across the region, indemnification has been provided to farmers affected by the ASF. As of October 7, a total of 49,393 swine out of 6,644 pig growers had already been culled and paid by DA, reaching a total of P153,956,000 in indemnification.
As the fight against the ASF continues, support and assistance from the regional office will continue through different interventions. With this commitment, the battle with this infectious virus will soon end and farmers will be able to return to their pig-growing businesses. (MAP, DA-RAFIS)