•     Supervises in the overall operations of the department and ensure that all systems, policies and programs of the department are aligned with the department’s principles, vision, mission and objectives;
•     Leads in creating and upholding synergy by providing efficient and effective coordination and support to all offices of the department;
•     Provides support services in terms of – human and financial resources management; assets and properties; procurement, storage and distribution of supplies, materials and equipment and contracting for services; records management and general services;
•     Makes sure that the office strictly adheres to sound accounting and auditing practices and guided by circulars and other issuances of the Department of Budget and Management, Commission on Audit, Civil Service Commission and Office of the President


•      Formulates the Regional Midterm Strategic Development Plan and Annual plans and projects in coordination with the Budget Section, DA Planning and Budget Offices, and other offices agencies in accordance with the policies and priorities set forth by Department and in support to the Philippine Development Plan;
•     Consolidates, reviews and analyzes the Periodic Accomplishment Report of the Regional Field Office and serves as Monitor of the activities and projects implemented by the RFO and report its updates and assessment to the Regional Director and the concerned implementing unit;
•     Provide leadership in developing and implementing a region – wide management information system including but not limited to geo-mapping, database management, networking and website maintenance/development.
•     Spearheads the consultation of Plans and Budget to the stakeholders including the NEDA, LGU, other government agencies, Regional Agriculture and Fishery Council and other farmers organizations;
•     Coordinates the development of program and project proposals and spearheads its’ evaluation for funding specifically the ACEF, PPP and other funding facility.
•     Provide leadership in the translation of the regional strategic plan into core line function strategic plans;
•     Assists the Local Government Units in preparing their Provincial and Municipal and Agricultural Development Plans;
•     Spearheads the conduct of Periodic Assessment Workshops


This Division is responsible for the implementation of market development services through market development events/activities, agribusiness industry support, and agribusiness investment promotion.
AMAD promotes products and investments related to agriculture through trade fairs, exhibits, and investment fora, and gather and disseminate information/data related to agribusiness investment and market development.
It also establishes linkages, coordination and interaction between producers, buyers, processors between and among agencies involved in marketing of agricultural products for local and foreign markets.


In charge of the overall programming and implementation of the banner programs of the Department and of the transfer of knowledge and skills on agriculture through the provision of technical and support services on production, irrigation, farm equipment and facilities and extension support, education and training services.
•      Strengthen the capacity of LGUs in the production of knowledge products needed by their own clients;
•     To organize and orchestrate the delivery of products thru trainings, seminars, fora, workshops, field days, agri-techno caravans, agri-fairs;
•     To provide technical assistance to LGUs in the transfer of knowledge thru trainings, seminars, fora, workshops, field days, agri-techno caravans, agri-fairs to the farmers/ clients;
•     To develop and manage the facilities for knowledge services;
•     To strategize dissemination of information to clients;
•     Work closely with the LGUs in developing appropriate projects in response to the DA thrusts/ objectives;
•     Capacitate LGUs and other stakeholders in program/ project development;
•     Provides counterpart funding for program/ project implementation;
•     To assist LGUs & stakeholders in accessing information & knowledge on appropriate technology, credit market, processing & livelihood consumers education and nutrition; and
•     To conduct monitoring & evaluation activities of implemented agricultural programs & projects


•     Regulatory function hinges on enforcing and implementing activities based on a constituted authority in the form of laws, rules and regulations, policies and other issuances with the end in view of safeguarding the remaining agricultural resources and devising ways and means to properly (protect) the same by conserving, preventing and controlling their depletion through;
•     Evaluate safe and quality food and feeds for human and animal consumption
•     Safeguard and protect our remaining agricultural resources (eg. Land, animals, crops, etc.) for sustainable agriculture and responsive to climate change
•     Recommendation and implementation of standards and guidelines, quality control, registration and licensing;
•     Monitoring the implementation of specific activities in the local quarantine checkpoints to control the spread of plant, and animal pests and diseases;
•      Coordination with other law enforcement agencies in the implementation of the department’s policies, rules and regulations


•      Orchestrates the development and implementation of the Regional Integrated Research and Development Agenda and Program attuned to the agricultural programs of the CALABARZON Region;
•     Leads the operation of the Regional R&D Network and initiates program/projects for collaboration with member agencies;
•     Formulates policies/guidelines for effective and efficient R&D program planning and implementation;
•     Establishes feedback mechanisms or monitoring and evaluation system to determine the progress and impact of R&D programs/projects;
•     Facilitates the development of Institutional Development and Capacity Building program of R&D facilities;
•      Initiates strategies/activities to strengthen the linkages of research with extension at the provincial level to fast track technology transfer and to enhance technology adoption and utilization;
•     Collaborates with other research institutions, SUCs, LGUs, NGOs, private sectors for more relevant and effective R&D program implementation and technology delivery/promotion and commercialization; and
•     Generates and manages funds and other resources for the RD/E programs/projects of the region.


•     Unifies and ensures that the functions / activities of the component laboratories are geared towards the attainment of the goals and objectives of the crops and livestock sectors.
•     Develops / formulates programs and services to provide needed support to the agricultural sector of the region.
•     Ensures that data and findings generated by its component sectors / laboratories are made available to the public especially the stakeholders.
•     Undertakes research on crop protection system
•     Conducts plant pest and disease diagnostic and recommend control measures
•     Monitors and forecasts possible pest and disease outbreak and provide technical assistance during outbreaks
•     Produce and maintain potential bio-agents