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Farmers from Tanauan City, Batangas who were affected by the Taal volcanic eruption received 5,930 suckers of banana on July 10, 2020. It is part of the implementation of the Department of Agriculture (DA) Region IV-CALABARZON’s Taal Recovery and Rehabilitation Program.

This is the second batch of banana suckers that farmers in Tanauan City received from the Regional High Value Crops Development Program through the city agriculture office (CAO).

The farmer-recipients expressed their gratitude to DA CALABARZON and welcomed the support it provides with all their heart. They have also expressed gratitude to Tanauan CAO for distributing the said intervention to needy farmers. They said this would help them extend and boost their livelihood that was seriously affected by the Taal volcanic eruption. • (MAP, DA-RAFIS)

[Photos Courtesy of Office of the City Agriculturist – Tanauan Facebook Page]