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A total of 93 farmers of Tanauan City, Batangas have already received 426,656 pieces of cassava seed from the Department of Agriculture (DA) Region IV-CALABARZON through its Cassava and Corn Program. This distribution is in line with the Department’s Plant, Plant, Plant Program that aims to achieve higher food production throughout the region.

The intervention was distributed by Tanauan City Agriculture Office (CAO).

For those who have not yet received any cassava seed pieces, Tanauan CAO is encouraging them to contact their office at 0965-951-4739 for more information on how they will receive the intervention. The city agriculture office also notes that the distribution is on a first-come, first-served basis. • (MAP, DA-RAFIS)

[Photos Courtesy of Cheng Lucido, LGU Tanauan City]