The Regional Corn Program, led by Ms. Avelita M. Rosales as the Coordinator, spearheaded a technical briefing on corn insect pests and its management on September 6, 2019 at Lipa Agricultural Research and Experiment Station (LAES) Training Room in Batangas, through the help of the Regional Crop Protection Center (RCPC) and in coordination with the Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI).
This activity was conducted for the awareness of all corn farmers and for proper management of insect pests on corn production particularly the armyworm.
Among the speakers were Ms. Cecille Marie C. Manzanilla, Chief of RCPC, and Dr. Orly Calcetas, a Senior Entomologist also from RCPC. They respectively discussed insect pests and diseases that are threats in the corn industry.
Participants include the provincial, city, and municipal agriculturists, and some representatives from the provinces of Cavite, Laguna, and Batangas. โ CDT, DA-RAFIS