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The Department of Agriculture Region IV-CALABARZON (DA CALABARZON) started to undergo a five-day long (July 15-19, 2019) In-House Evaluation to look into its effectiveness in attaining objectives, efficiency, and emerging benefits derived by farmers/beneficiaries by way of key informant interviews and surveys.

The evaluators composing of personnel from the Monitoring and Evaluation of DA Central Office and representatives from regions III, IV-B, V and IV-A are now in Batangas to conduct Key Informant Interview to implementors of the agricultural programs both from the provinces of Batangas and Rizal such as the following: Provincial Agriculturists, Provincial Veterinarians, Agricultural Program Coordinating Officers, as well as the selected Agricultural Extension Workers and Municipal Agriculturists.

Specifically, the said evaluation will focus on determining how well the programs (banner programs) are being implemented and on documenting the programs’ initial gains/benefits.

According to Mr. Felix I. Ramos, Chief of Administrative and Finance Division, the in-house evaluation is a perfect opportunity to assess further the current operations of DA CALABARZON including the necessary support from the admin and finance division.

The In-House Evaluation is being conducted to prepare the implementing units (in the national and regional office) of DA to the upcoming Third-Party Evaluation of the latter.